Diagnosis and treatment

Prostate cancer diagnosis

My PSA was 3.1 in March 2021. It went to 4.2 in March 2022. My endocrinologist recommended I see a urologist. By the time I made it to the urologist in May, it had gone to 4.7. The urologist wanted to do a biopsy and I refused. He performed another test that indicated that there was a 50% chance of cancer. I followed with a biopsy which found cancer in 4 places on the right side.

Prostate cancer diagnosis

After consultation with a surgeon and radiation oncologist, I chose brachytherapy. I completed three treatments on Feb 8th. The treatments themselves were not painful but the pain from the catheter and ultrasound device took about a week to subside. My prognosis is very good because it was diagnosed early. I will post after my follow-up in May.

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