Lupron For Life?

I went to my urologist for my scheduled 6-month Lupron shot. Was feeling kind of good because I thought this was my next to last shot. That would make 3 years worth. Starting thinking about feeling normal again. Praying that sexual functions would return. I know it is not a guarantee, but putting my faith in God, hoped it would happen. However, after talking with the doctor, my spirits dropped some.

My Gleason score total is between 8 and 9, and was told It was my choice but he recommends that I continue for a while.
My anger rose up again because I started thinking about how my previous PC physician didn't take my PSA even though I was requesting it. Because she was so watchful over everything else concerning my health, she thought the score was normal. Even when my creatinine score was increasing, she didn't check. I was with her, at least, 20 years and trusted her totally.

Men, remember, no one and I mean no one cares more about you than you do. Don't just ask the right questions, make sure you get the right answers.

So, as I did with my treatment, I am going to put my trust in God and pray that one day I will be able to stop the shots. However, still grateful to be here writing this letter.

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