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What side effects have you experienced?

Share with others who are trying to make a treatment decision! What treatment did you have and what side effects did you experience?

  1. I had SBRT and am winding up six months of ADT. SBRT was easy. For about two months afterward, I had frequent urination, burning urination if I drank acidic drinks (I just COULDN'T give up coffee), and some occasional tiredness.

    ADT, though, has been awful. I have one more month to go and have decided I will NEVER do it again even if it means a shorter life. Where to begin on the side effects: tachycardia, muscle and joint pain, nausea, loss of appetite and weight as a result (40 pounds in 4 months), ED, anorgasmia, insomnia, severe depression and suicidal thoughts, and memory problems (forgetting names of common objects and sometimes people I've known for years). It makes for a very poor quality of life but I only have exactly one month to go.

    1. I am so glad you only have one more month to go! I can't even imagine how difficult this has been for you. I really hope you can get your quality of life back quickly once you are done with ADT. Six month is a long time. Sending you strength. Jill (Team Member)

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