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Anyone on Xtandi

My doctor of 15 years left the practice and the new doctor prescribed a Camcevi shot instead of Lupton and Xtandi.
I immediately started being fatigued, lethargic, had a loss of appetite, an my blood pressure shot up.
I recently had a PSA test and it is <0.1. The doctor took me off the Standing and I won't take again. I'll take my chances on Camcevi.
Any other Xtandi users out there and experience?

  1. Watching for replies.

    1. Hi . I just wanted to let you know that I posted a reply on your other post. Hope it is helpful. Best, Richard ( Team)

  2. I read, yes. Thank you as we travel the road no one wishes .

    1. Did camveci make you fatigued to the point like you were so exhausted that it was hard to function! I got my Camveci shot Aug 28th and I feel so fatigued that all I want to do is sleep

      1. It turns out it was the Xtandi making me fatigued. Now off of it and I get hot flashes on Camcevi.

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