Hi all, a little background here. I am 56. Prior to 50 PSA was less than 4. Starting at 50 it started creeping up to 4 and at 52 it spiked to over 10. My regular doc thought it was prostatitis. I went on a course of antibiotics and it went down to 6. Around the same time is when I started experiencing urination issues. Like going frequently and not emptying well.
To be on the safe side I went to see a urologist. Ended up doing a bunch of tests including a SelectMDX which came out with a very small chance of having anything aggressive (less than 10%) and he ok'ed to basically go about my life. Fast forward to 2022, just had my physical, PSA was still around 6.2 and the new urologist (the prior one left the area) is pushing me to get a biopsy.
I agreed to gradually do some tests. Just had the 4K Score, it came out at 21% chance of having something aggressive, that is significantly worse than I expected. I am planning to do an MRI on the prostate next.
Some family history, my dad had the same exact issues that started when he was around my age and he ended up having some laser prostate procedure and he's been happy ever since.
I am not worried too much about it. I find the invasiveness of a biopsy disagreeable so I am looking for some experiences from people who may have had a similar experience.