Hi . Your confusion is understandable. I'm with Dennis on checking with your doctor, particularly since I found this page from the American Cancer Society which notes that a low percent free PSA can be an indicator of prostate cancer, but speaks of it as being a decider for a biopsy if your PSA is borderline (see: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/prostate-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/tests.html#:~:text=The%20percent%2Dfree%20PSA%20(%25,in%20men%20who%20do%20not.). Another thing that may have led to the biopsy was the previously borderline PSA with the new low percent free PSA. Again, only your doctor can explain the thought process. The best news, of course, is the negative biopsy, which, hopefully, makes these questions just an explanatory exercise on the biopsy decision. Best, Richard (ProstateCancer.net Team)