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Coping With Prostate Cancer

Have you found ways to cope with your prostate cancer diagnosis?

Are you a partner to someone diagnosed with prostate cancer, with a way to cope for them?

Do you need healthy ways of coping? Advice on how to handle a diagnosis?

This is your space to share what helps you and ask questions of others about how to cope.

  1. When someone you love is diagnosed with any kind of cancer I think you have to learn to cope yourself before you can offer any help to them for coping with their new disease. As a caregiver several times over, I found it necessary to put aside feelings so I could help the patient. But I don't think that's healthy for anyone - we need to face our feelings and figure out a way to manage them and still be a support. As caregivers, we need to take care of ourselves before we can be or do any good for someone else, or at least, address of own needs as we address those of the patient.

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