Hi Dennis,
I’ve struggled with exercise and weight for most of my life. Actually before diagnosis this past May, I had been in a pattern of more regular gym attendance and food plan that lead to some weight loss and feeling better.
I’m a nervous eater so diagnosis lead to a bit of weight gain, but I continued with more gym attendance.
Now that I am starting radiation/androgen deprivation therapy and hear the side effects are lethargy and weight gain (especially in my problem area ... the belly) I am seeing this as one way I can fight cancer by pushing through and work harder in this area... (even if the medications prevent getting the “normal results” from all the work).
I, personally have to move from focusing solely on what my body looks like or what the scale says, to just seeing that each workout or healthy meal is a success and important in the whole process.
Thanks for posting! Now I have to stop procrastinating and go to the gym this morning!