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Female hormone therapy side effects

How disruptive from normal activities and function is the monthly hormone injections with daily pills?

  1. Hate to say this but you just do not know how hormone shots (ADT will impact you until you are on them . Been there when I was on Lupron ... and for me it was difficult with hot flashes, significant weight gain and emotional swings. Most men react in some way to the shots but to what level is hard to know in advance. I have several guys in my group who say it was not bad and others who are not very happy with the impact. I wish there was a more definitive answer - Where are you on your journey? Dennis( TEAM)

    1. I had my prostate gland surgically removed 13 years ago. My PSA numbers increased gradually until it doubled in the last 9 months. A PET scan revealed two lymph nodes in the pelvis area about the size of grapes. My concern is that I am the caregiver for my wife that needs help with most everything and I need to be functional. Thank you for your reply and experience.

    2. Hi . Just to echo what said about the differences in impact of hormone therapy for each individual, my father-in-law was on it for two years with few side effects.
      I also want to ask if anyone has mentioned relugolix (Orgovyx)? It is a newer pill form of androgen deprivation therapy. As discussed in this article from the National Cancer Institute on its approval, it has fewer cardiovascular side effects and overall side effects tend to be for a shorter period as it leaves the system quicker than Lupron: Wishing you the best with whatever treatment you have and please feel free to keep us posted and ask additional questions. Richard ( Team)

  2. Thank you for your help and descriptions. If there is weight gain, has it required larger clothing?

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