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Gleason score of 6-7 in 11 out of 12 regions

I am 56 with prostrate cancer with no symptoms. It all started with the PSA score of 12

I was shocked when I found out I had cancer. Then I thought the doctor would recommend active surveillance.

But he said no. Radiation or surgery based on the result of the CT scan and bone scan which are scheduled soon.

On another note, I happened to lose my job before knowing the PSA score. So I have a lot of time on my hands.

I have been drinking alcohol In excess This weekend was particularly bad.

Any thoughts?

  1. I don't want to sound glib, but stop drinking. Alcohol effects a lot to different systems in your body. Liver, kidney, immune system. You need to be in the best shape as possible for what is coming up.

    Also from a study:

    Does alcohol worsen prostate cancer?

    And a recent, in-depth study found alcohol ramped up the growth of prostate tumors and speeded the tissues' progression to metastatic prostate cancer. This means the disease has spread to other areas of the body. The researchers in this case advised men diagnosed with prostate cancer to promptly cut out all alcohol.

    1. I read the article but then I read articles that say the opposite.

      A 2019 study stated that “men who were already suffering from prostrate cancer, moderate use of red wine helped slow the progression of the disease.”

      I guess the key is moderate.

      1. Hang in there, stay positive and do what the Drs. Ask of you. I found out I had two different cancers, one has been taken care of the other is aggressive prostate cancer. I am finally feeling better now that the side affects are diminishing. Stay positive and choose the treatment that you feel comfortable with. Best of luck to you!

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