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Has anyone used this treatment?

  1. A business associate of mine did the HIFU treatment and traveled to Mexico to have it done. That was several years ago and he was quite pleased with the treatment and to my knowledge is still ok. He did have a low Gleason Score and if I recall it was a 7. I opted for surgery due to my Gleason score of 9 + scans suggested it contained. So far all is good even after it returned some 5 years later and need to dose of radiation

    1. Thank you. We have a local doc that does a lot of them. Only problem is he does not accept insurance.

      1. Thank you for chiming in! Do they have transparency of pricing instead? I've seen more doctors going in the direction of direct-to-patient practices. -Samuel, Team Member

    2. They explain exact cost to patient for Dr. services.

      1. My caution in addition to cost clarification (in writing) would be to get a handle on what the statement "I do a lot of them" really means. When i underwent robotic surgery my urologist had already competed 2,500 procedures. A lot for some MD's could be 5 in a year etc, vs 100 in 6 months.

        Agree more MD's are going private pay. I suspect the reason is to avoid the hassles and paperwork in dealing with the insurance companies. You may want to do some price checking - I was recently quoted a $250 private pay per treatment cost for a non cancer related issue . Found another MD who did a combination of private pay in concert with insurance. My out of pocket costs dropped from $250 at 3 x a week to $30 each or a saving of $660 a week. We live in challenging times - Trust but verify is my ever present motto ... Dennis ( TEAM)

    3. I had HIFU done , 4 years ago. No side effects. My PSA has been at .08 to 1.0 .

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