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How did you feel making a treatment decision?

There are many options for treating prostate cancer. There are just as many, if not more, emotions associated with our treatment decisions. Tell us: What treatment did you decide on? Why? How did you feel making that call?

  1. Started with a PSA of about 41. My new "rock star" urologist wanted to start me on Orgovix (ADT) the first time I saw him. After a romantic weekend with my wife, I called and told the urologist's office I was ready to start ADT. By the time I met with the oncologist, the Orgovix alone had knocked my PSA down to around 12.4.

    PSMA scan showed tumor in the prostate with left neurovascular bundle involvement, and lesions on several local lymph nodes near my spine. The oncologist recommended chemo with DOCEtaxel (Taxotere) at 130mg along with a cocktail of other med. I'm halfway through that right now. PSA is 0.87. I go for another PSMA scan next week.

    How do I feel about going along with these treatment options?

    Right now, I feel pretty good about them.

    Orgovix seems to have knocked out my testosterone to below laboratory detection levels but left me fully functional with the help of Calais. I was a type-A, overly aggressive guy before, so the "me" on Ogovix is a bit kinder and gentler. That's a good thing. Plus, the leaner and less hairy body resembles the younger me. If my beard thickens back up, I'd like the look. I can potentially tolerate staying on Orgovix as my maintenance treatment after the chemo ends.

    The Taxotere has gotten rough. I get it every three weeks. The weekends after my Thursday treatments are hellish. My guts shut down right after the treatment, and then my guts wake up in a rage by Saturday afternoon. Since my guts spend two day out of order, anything in them will have turned to rocks. And now my guts want to get them out even if it kills me. The aftermath of that, and the increasing "chemo brain" pretty well put me out of order until the next Thursday. It's Wednesday afternoon right now, the week after treatment, and I am just now starting to feel like myself again. I can work for home. But there ain't much work being done and what is done is pretty shabby because I can't think straight. I have a PSMA scan next week. If the scan shows my cancer all dead or dying, it will be worth it. Plus, I get to keep what's left of my prostate, and more importantly, my neurovascular bundles...maybe and God willing.

    1.  thanks for sharing with us. I am so glad to hear the treatments are helping, although I can hear how hard the Taxotere is for you. We will be thinking of you and hope that your scan next week is promising. Jill, ( team)

    2.   Know where you are on your "Rocks" journey - what i found helpful was drinking a lot of fluids every day and taking a fiber supplement (or 2 or 3) every day. The drugs do mess us up for a time - i occasionally found myself looking for my cell phone only to see it was in my hand - Wishing you all the best with this Dennis( TEAM)

  2. It came as a complete shock Nov of '22. I went to the Dr for heart burn, then 2 months and many scans and tests later, I was told I have Prostate Cancer. Went into "Why me?" for about a week. Family came together for me, especially my wife of 40 years. "We will get through this" she said. Why mess around? I scheduled the Radical Prostectomy 2.14.23. Glad I did, found it spread. Now on ADT and radiation. Expect good news in March.  

    1.  I completed my 40 sessions of Radiation Feb 16, 2024. It was very exciting to ring the bell! The excitement lasted for about 30 minutes. As I was driving home I had lots of thoughts going through my mind. Today is April 16, 2024. I will be on HT, (actually testosterone blockers until Sept of 2025, per my urologist. I feel good most of the time, I can do about 2 hours of minor physical labor before I get light headed. Then it seems to take 2 days to recover. I can't imagine if I had a job that I went to everyday, lucky I can work at home. My last blood test showed PSA 0.04 and testosterone 11. I am starting to integrate exercise (more than walking) into my routine and slowly moving into a alkaline diet. My expectation is 20 more years of quality life! I will beat this invisible enemy!

    2.  thank you for the update! I am sure it was exhilarating to ring that bell! I am so glad you are able to work from home and take it easy when you need to. It sounds like things are mostly going well and I am sure adding in exercise and an alkaline diet, will make you feel even better. Keep up the fight! Jill, team

  3. I am a 71 year old with CAD, rheumatoid arthritis, mild copd. Gleason 7. After much thought and speaking at length with family, (one an experienced RN that works with surgical patients), a former pcp with 55+ years experience and several others it was decided on surgery, primarily because my other health problems made it difficult to do 9+ weeks of daily radiation + hormone therapy for 25+ months and steroid therapy. Difficult decision but seems best option. Worst of it so far is anxiety waiting for surgery, and concern just how it's going to be with 10-14 days with a Foley cath in. Surgery is tomorrow morning. I will post a post surgery comment when I can. I realize it's important to keep a positive attitude which is somewhat difficult but do-able.

    1.  I am glad the wait is over for you. The anxiety leading up to surgery can be very overwhelming. I hope everything went smoothly and we look forward to hearing how you are doing post-op. Jill, ( team)

    2.   Now that the robotic surgery is over I suspect you will surprised at how fast the recover can be . Just 4 weeks after my Cat was removed I was back on my bike and doing abut 10 miles round trip at least 2 - 3 days a week . Go at your own pace . If you feel tired stop and rest... if you feel great enjoy live and living. Dennis( TEAM)

  4. I had to fight my urologist for a referral to proton therapy. I was surprised at how hard over each Dr was on their treatment options- the Urologist felt a prostatectomy was best, the radiation oncologist said photon radiation was best and only the Proton Oncologists pointed outy that all treatment options were viable and just go with the lowest side effects. Proton has worked very well with mild side effects so i am glad I advocated for my own health

    1.  I am so glad you were an advocate for yourself! I am sure you are relieved the therapy worked well with minimal side effects. It is so important that you feel informed and ok with your therapy decisions, thanks for sharing with us. Jill, ( team)

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