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K4 score results

I'm 56 years old and started having some issues with urinating. Went to my family doctor and had my PSA tested. Results were 14.6. Referred to a urologist and two weeks later my PSA level was 8.0. He checked my prostate and said that he didn't feel anything abnormal. He did a K4 test and results are 41. I have done a lot of research and can't really find anything that actually explains it well. I'm waiting to have a biopsy done to determine if I have prostate cancer and if so, how advanced it is. Just wondering if anyone else has had this test, what the results were and the outcome. Thanks for any help.

  1. Hi I am glad to hear you are getting a biopsy. There is a lot of good and bad information out there. I think the best person to ask about your K4 test results is your doctor, they should be able to explain what this means for you. In the meantime, I did find some information that I hope can help: Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Jill, team

    1. Thank you for your response. I was in a little bit of shock when the doctor told me my score. I really didn't know what to ask and honestly, he seemed to be a bit in a hurry. The link you sent was helpful, but it doesn't really explain what the score means in terms of probability and if anything other than cancer could affect the score. I'm patiently waiting for the doctor's office to call me with an appointment confirmation for the biopsy, but it's difficult when time seems to be ticking away. Thanks again. I'll keep you posted.

      1. I am sure this was overwhelming and I can understand why you wouldn't know what to ask, especially if you felt rushed from the doctor. I tried to look for a better link but, like you, I couldn't find a ton of information about it. Waiting can be so difficult, keep following up with them, don't worry about being persistent. Jill, team

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