It’s been awhile since my last post. I finished my radiation October 2023. I had my last 3 month Lupron injection late September, 2024. My radiation oncologist declared my treatment over the first week of January, 2025. PSA was undetectable and testosterone was a low .8.
I went to Mérida Mexico for our annual winter two month stay starting the second week of January. I was fortunate to be staying two blocks from a gym which I joined the day after arrival. I’ve been riding my upright bike as much as possible all during my treatment. I watched my cardio time drop from a solid 64 minutes, level 11 on a hill program, to a maximum of 32 minutes, level 8. The side effects of Lupron were that bad for me. Since ending treatment, I’ve managed to get my cardio back up to 64 minutes at level 10 on the bike. I also began weight training and have gained strength and muscle mass, focusing on my core and upper body. Upon returning from Mexico, I joined a gym 20 minutes away from home in hope of continuing my weight training 3 times a week as well as continuing my cardio bike program at home. I’ve hired a trainer for three sessions. She has experience with cancer patients and I look forward to this.
Depression was very bad during treatment. In March 2024, I had to start taking venlafaxine to combat this. Luckily it worked well for me. It helped with depression and also lessened my hot flashes a bit, and they’ve since all but vanished. I’ve been able to cut my dose in half since ending treatment. I still need it (I missed one day and it took two days to recover), but I’m hoping to be off of it entirely by fall.
My overall energy level has increased and I’ve been much more active since ending Lupron. I still have a way to go, but as soon as the weather gets a bit warmer, I’m actually looking forward to doing some projects and work I’ve out off for two years.
Finally, sexually I’ve had some gains. Libido is creeping back up which is welcome. But function is still pretty low. Ability to orgasm, yes 3/10; erection, no 1/10. I don’t know what to say about this. I get bloodwork done early next month and I’m interested to see where my testosterone level is. I have a follow-up with my oncologist and will ask for a referral to my urologist to address the sexual issues.
That’s my report. I’ll check back in as things change. Overall I feel pretty happy with my recovery so far and I’m holding on to the positive feelings I have right now.