My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer a month ago. He is 64 years old. He had never had his prostate checked. His psa was 65, Gleason score is a 9, lymph nodes are infected through his abdomen and it has metastasized to spine and hips. I hear everything from him second hand or try to find information online, but that is proving difficult as it seems that most people aren’t as far along as he is at diagnosis. He is remaining very positive, which I think is definitely an asset to him. However, from what I read online I’m wondering how realistic he is being. I guess I just want to know the facts, no matter how hard it may be to hear. He is choosing to undergo hormone therapy and an entire month of radiation. It seems that this will be very hard on his body. For those of you that have been through this, I guess I’m asking if it’s worth it? Will it give him years more (and good years) or will it extend life but at the cost of being weak and tired all the time? Like I said he acts like he could have 5-10 more years but everything I read online says with where he is at it may be more like 2 and I am just wondering what the reality is without raining on his parade, if that makes sense?