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lupron side effects

LUPRON SIDE EFFECT'S .....Tired , tired , and tired . Absolutley no energy , I mean none . Alway's tired , . that is all I feel 24/7 . I would never have started lupron if I knew what I know now . Anyone else feel like this ???

  1. Have been taking Lupron for years off and on. Do remember lack of energy and aches and pains, and of course hot flashes. But other than that-it was not terrible for me and it did slow the cancer down. I know its hard-but exercise will help-even if its a drain to do it. Would definitely talk to your doctor-maybe intermittent dosage of a different course for you. Feel you and wish you the best. Please keep in touch. DanF, moderator,

    1. Dan made some great points - It sounds counter intuitive but if you can get in some regular exercise even if it is just taking a walk it can help

      1. I have a hard time walking to the mailbox. I know I sound like a wussie , but just getting up to pee is an exercise. hope this luprin wear's off and maybe I will have some energy.

        1. Is your MD aware of your situation? Do hope you find more energy as time goes on. My Lupron side effects did decrease as time passed . Do let us know how you are doing

      2. Hi . Sorry you are having these severe fatigue issues. As others have said, it is important to discuss this with your doctor, as it sounds as if your symptoms may be beyond the typical potential side effect impact. There are potential other contributing factors, such as low thyroid levels and low B12 levels. This article and accompanying video from the Prostate Cancer Research Institute discuss potential causes and steps you can take to help mitigate the fatigue: Wishing you the best. Richard ( Team)

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