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My PC moved from low risk to intermediate/high risk...

My prostate cancer moved from low risk to intermediate/high risk after the Decipher test results came back. The urologist said it's still Stage I, but that doesn't sound right. He based that on the fact that my prostate is smooth. I see a radiation oncologist March 8, and hopefully he'll be more informational. I was originally diagnosed December 13, 2021. My PSA was 5.5 at that time. My Gleason score is 3+3, so that's good. I'm just wanting a little feedback from fellow sufferers. Thanks.

  1. Gleason 6 typically is not likely to spread - that said nothing is written in stone. I also had a Decipher after a Gleason 9 and mine came back as intermediate. I did do radiation and so far all is good. With a 6 I would be asking a lot of questions and getting other opinions. Prostate cancer lumps often develop on the back side ( hard to reach ) of the prostate. A second check may be helpful in addition to speaking with a radiation oncologist

    1. BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations have long been associated with carrying an increased risk for certain cancers, including breast, ovarian, and pancreatic cancer. It is now believed that men with a BRCA2 mutation, and to a lesser extent, a BRCA1 mutation, are at an elevated risk for prostate cancer

    2. Thanks for that awesome info. Good to know.

  2. You may want to request genetic testing, the Polaris test is done with your biopsy and can provide information on what treatment may be best for you. Do your research, the Prostrate Cancer Foundation and videos from the Prostrate Cancer Research institute are great resources.

    1. Thanks for the info. I've never heard of the Polaris test. Is it about the same as the Decipher test, which is also genetic?

  3. I had a decipher test done several years after surgery as the hospital kept the results (samples) preserved for 10 years for future testing .You may want to inquire about that option .

    1. Hi . On top of the excellent information from , I want to stress that the prostate cancer grade is telling you the current status of the cancer, while the Decipher test is used as a predictor of future risk. It is possible to have both a Grade 1 cancer and an intermediate/high Decipher result. That said, as Dennis noted, the smooth surface may not in itself preclude a higher grade (although it is a good sign). For more information on the Decipher risk scores you may want to check out this article from the National Cancer Institute: I also noted mentioned the Prolaris test. This is also a prostate cancer risk assessment and you can learn more about it here: Hope this information is helpful. Best, Richard ( Team)

      1. Awesome, thanks, Richard.

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