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Post-surgery urinating at night

I’m closing in on 7 weeks following my radical prostatectomy. Most of my recovery is about as expected with the exception of back-to-back UTI’s following removal of the catheter.

What has been unexpected is that I am waking up to go pee between 6-9 times during the night. It’s not like I can’t go. It’s flow is strong. Mercifully, I’m able to fall back to sleep but I haven’t had a regular sleep since before my surgery on August 2. I’m not showing any swelling and it makes no difference whether I have quit drinking fluids for up to 4 hours before going to sleep or not. None of the other men I know who have had surgery have had this issue. I’m looking for feedback. I will see surgeon for the first post-surgical visit next Monday.

  1. I had my prostatectomy just about a year ago and it was the same for me after catheter removal. The incontinence seems to be the one thing that takes more time but it did get better over a couple of months. I was maybe up every 2 hours through the night at first but then I noticed that I was only waking up twice. That seems to norm. I learned some patience during this ordeal. Good luck with your recovery.

    1. Thank you for sharing! It’s the feeling like I’m experiencing something no one else has experienced that was discouraging!

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