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prostate treatment

Just was advised by my Dr that I am intermediate and removal of the organ or direct radiation treatment. Not sure what to do.

  1. This is a very stressful time for you that all your brothers here have seen. First and foremost take a deep, deep breath. You have time, and need to take that time to educate yourself about the whole curative process and decide, in consultation with your docs and significant other, what is the best course for you.
    If you are looking for advice from us remember for the most part none of us are urologists or radiation oncologists......we are all just feeling our way along as best we can.
    Having said that if you provide your age, PSA, DRE (yep...lubed finger) results, results of a 3T MRI (if you had one), specific biopsy results (with second opinions), 4K and/or Decipher or other tests results we will be happy to help provide you with whatever information we have gathered.
    You are not alone, you have time to decide. We all are going to get through this.

    Please read our rules before posting.