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PSA question for 46 year old.

A little background:
Father diagnosed at 65. But probably had it before. He’s cured now after having radiation.

I did a baseline PSA test at 40 years (1.4 - 2/2017 )
Then last year at 45 years ( 1.6 PSA in 2/2022).
The just this week at 46 years ( 1.9 PSA in 2/2023 ).

When I did my baseline psa at 40 years old my primary doc said not to worry about. Now I have a new primary since last year and when my psa came back at 1.6 he sent me to a urologist. The urologist wasn’t concerned at the time. And didn’t do a Dre exam. He said I could wait. My primary showed concern with the 1.6 psa but went with the urologist. Now that I got a 1.9 psa he said he’s concerned and sent me to get an MRI ( still have to make an appointment) and also sent me to a new urologist ( and have an appointment in 3 weeks ).

I’m concerned I may have PC because my psa is very high for my age and also it went up 0.3 in one year.
I under that The additional tests will tell what exactly I have, but I wanted to ask you all what you think about my situation with my age and psa level.

Thank you.

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