: Deciding on which treatment is best is often a matter of choosing what you and your MD see as options, given the aggressiveness or spread of the PCa. I was offered either surgery or radiation back in 2012 because my Gleason score 9 was quite high, even though my PSA readings were low at 2.1.
I chose surgery back then, figuring if it returned (which it did), I had radiation as a backup. You will want to ask your MD what options you will have if the cancer returns after radiation. No one knows what the future holds. I had minor reactions to the 38 radiation treatments, which occurred some 5 years after my surgery in 2013 .
As a result of a scan in 2022, it showed up again as a spot on my hip bone, and then treated with 5 rounds of SBRT. All of my experiences with radiation so far have not had any real negative impacts on urine control, bowels etc. Dennis (ProstateC