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Radiation Treatment of Prostate

I was diagnose with prostate cancer and radiation was recommended. It was 5 weeks of radiation in July of 2021. It was 4 months later that I noticed my hands had become 2tone.
White fingers and dark red on back of both hands to the first knuckles. My doctor pointed out the blood tests now showed the RBC, Hemoglobin and Hematocrit were below normal. All this happened when at the same time I had lost 50 pounds. I was over radiated and I've been sick ever since.
My life is a mess - I have put on 13 pounds but no where near the 180 I happily carried around after my liver transplant in 2012. Radiation is not for everyone. It was automatic at the doctor I was seeing at the time.

  1. Hi I am so sorry to hear about your experience. Have you been able to get the coloring back into your hands? I really hope you have a doctor who is trying to help you put weight back on and help you to feel better. We appreciate you being open and sharing your story with our members. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Jill (Team Member)

    1. I had radiation for my prostate cancer. At my age and stage, along with ADT, it was the best choice based on the knowledge I had at the time. Probably wouldn't change what I did, but it was never mentioned by anyone that radiation can cause blood cancers. Now myelodysplastic syndrome is killing me.

      1. SpencerBoy!! I am sorry to learn of the side effect you have experienced. I trust and hope you are receiving treatment and will manage the condition with standard of care treatment.

    2. Unfortunately, I am too old for a stem cell transplant which only works 40% of the time, but there is also a 40% chance that it will morph into Acute Myloid Leukemia 🙃. As it gets worse, blood transfusions may work for a while. I dwell on this because no one considers it when having radiation or chemo treatments.

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