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Sepsis after prostectimy

Had prostectimy. 2 weeks later I was admitted back into hospital with sepsis. In the hospital for 5 days. Still on antibiotics. Problem is I tire easily and barely have an appetite. 65 yrs old. T3a.

  1. Hi I really wish you were not going through this. It sounds like you are home now but still on antibiotics? I am sure your body is tired with a loss of appetite. What does the doctor recommend for next steps? Sending you strength. Jill, team

    1. Yes I am at home now. Took the last of my antibiotics this morning. I see my PC tomorrow for continuing care. Should be interesting to see his recommendation. Been away from work since April 16th. I would like to get back after another week or so.

      1. I am glad to hear you are home now and you will see your PC today. Please keep us posted on what they say. I really hope you can get some relief and be able to get back to work. Wishing you all the best. Jill, team

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