My mental health was in the toilet after my PC diagnosis. I finally admitted this to myself and went to see a therapist. Together, we've been working on some things to get me through when the negative feelings surface (inadequacy, hopelessness, depression, suicidal ideation, sexual issues, etc.). I thought I would share a couple in case they may be useful to others.
1. Acknowledge the negative feelings, then do something else. "Oh, I'm feeling really sad right now." I would just plant myself on the couch and feel sad. Now I do something active such as ...
2. Socialize. I've started talking to my neighbors when I walk my dog. Her half hour walks now sometimes stretch to 90 minutes of just chatting with various people. The dog loves it too since most of the people have treats. Plan dinner with friends and family. Get out of the house.
3. Distract. Play video games, watch a movie, read a book, go to a museum.
4. Physical activity. This is a tough one for me. I LOVE biking 50+ miles but have been told no biking until September. I also love swimming but was embarrassed about what ADT has done to my body (musculature gone, along with 20+ pounds, but stomach has grown larger) but my therapist pointed out "no one is looking at you. Other people are thinking of themselves more than they're thinking of you."
5. Volunteer. This may sound strange, but I've been volunteering for a youth crisis center. Sometimes their issues seem small but their FEELINGS about those issues are something I can now relate to more than ever.
6. Surrender control. This one is the hardest for most men IMO. We're used to always being strong and in charge. When people would ask me "Can I do anything to help?" I would say "No, I'm fine" but now I've started responding "Why don't you come over for lunch on Thursday?" or "I'm having really bad fatigue today would you mind picking me up something from the Italian deli." Admitting to needing some help now and then seems to actually be making my friendships and family relationships stronger.
7. Schedule "play" sessions with a partner or alone. Learn what still works well on your body and what feels good. Do more of that. If you have a partner, learn what else besides intercourse that they like and do that for them.