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The wives who need ......

I don't have any support and my husband has stopped all types on intimate connections with me. How can I make him see that we wives are dealing with the cancer too
How to get him to....

  1. If you have a local prostate cancer support group, there are often wives and partners that are part of them. They’ll be the women to talk to. And hospitals have social workers who are sometimes really knowledgeable or can refer you to women.

    1. As Chris mentions, wives participate in cancer support groups at local cancer centers. Get in touch with your local group. Wives are so, so, so very important in this journey.

      As a cancer patient I would also suggest working with a mental health professional. Emotions, self image and many other factors play a big part right now. Like many other men, I work with a psychologist to help deal with the emotions and tension of living with cancer.

      Guy B. Meredith, moderator.

      1. Hi . On top of the useful information already provided, I want to share with you this article from our editorial team on caregiver and family resources: I want to particularly note the links throughout the article for additional resources. Also, please know that this community is here for both of you. Wishing you the best. Richard ( Team)

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