Am 62 and just found out that I have three cancerous prostate growths. Doctor wants me to look at prostatectomy or radiation. Thing is I’m not sure if I want to do anything.
A good friend had a prostatectomy six months ago. His partner of two years left him two months later. He still wears diapers after four months, says he has no sexual interest and never leaves his house anymore. He’s bitter and angry.
I think if I were to go for treatment my situation will be worse. I moved to a new state a few months ago and have made no friends just a few casual acquaintances. My sex life consists of one night stands from the apps (my partner of 25 years died two years ago). Can’t imagine anyone is going to want a guy in diapers who can’t get an erection. And it’s going to be impossible to care for myself and make friends locally.
Have had radiation suggested but what I read seems to indicate the side effects are the same they just take longer to show up.
Doctor says survival with no treatment could still be 5-10 years. Am totally asymptomatic right now. Is it rational to just decide to take five good years? I fear my judgment may be clouded by my dad who was miserably sick with kidney disease for 10 long years and my mom who suffered three long years after breaking her hip and being unable to tolerate the pain of PT.