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Using Decipher score to decide AS vs treatment?

Ive been on AS for 2.5 years with GS6 and Decipher score of 50. My new urologist says my Decipher score puts me at intermediate risk and therefore not ideal for AS. It's the first time a doctor has said this and put so much weight on the Decipher score. I'm having an Mri and probable (3rd) biopsy done soon due to rising psa. Anyone have experience with making treat/no treat decisions due to Decipher score.

  1. My biopsy came back with GS6/GG1 (1/12 cores) and AS was the original plan. However, Decipher results indicated intermediate as well, which led my urologist to recommend RP, which I ended up getting done (with DaVinci). Pathology on removal was 3+4 so it was a good move from my perspective.

    1. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Had RP 2.5 years ago; after PSA had steadily risen to 5.6, and Biopsy showed very high risk Gleason 9 and 8s. After surgery my tumor was sent out for Decipher testing - the Decipher result came back as very high risk with reading of .9 on a scale of .1 to 1.0.

    Fast forward 2 years and when my quarterly ultra PSA jumped from a consistent range of .02 to .05 - I now find myself finishing up salvage therapy (just finished 38 IMRT treatments, and have 2 more months of ADT to finish). The decision to act quickly with salvage therapy - was based on a jump in my ultra PSA and the high risk decipher score.

    1. Thanks for sharing!

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