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What do you think about my case? Better to remove the prostate now or wait?

52 years old man. MRI PiRads 4 (10x11 mm pseudonodular lesion with ill-defined margins in Peripherical zone) Lesion located in the posterolateral segment of the lower third of the left peripheral lobe. PSA 5.33 ng/ml. Systematic biopsy and targeted (total 14 samples). 5 samples targeted to lession index (3 positives & 2 negatives). GLEASON 6 (3+3) Core with the greatest impact is 60%. 35% total involvement of all material sent for biopsy. Rest of prostate without evidence of malignancy.

I am completely devastated and terrified.

  1. Not a doctor but Gleason 6 is considered a strong case for active surveillance. Don't rush into anything. Get a second opinion. Read what other Gleason 6's have done.

    1. Hearing for the first time that you have prostate cancer (PCa) is scary. At the same time, you have been diagnosed with a Gleason 6. You are not looking at a 7 - 8 - 9 or a 10. I was diagnosed with a G9 back in 2013 and thanks to treatments some 11 years later I am still here and doing quite well. I recently sold my home of 30 years in Connecticut and built a new home in Virginia on a golf course.

      offered some great advice. I would add - do yourself a BIG BIG favor - stay off the internet and forget Dr Google. There are way too many reports and stories that simply will not apply to your situation. A second opinion is always a good idea. You do have a lot of time and there is no need to make an immediate decision.

      Consider visiting a major cancer treatment center with a top MD vs a local hospital etc. I recently switched from a large area hospital to a major cancer center --- the difference was night and day on many levels. Hope my comments help put some of this in perspective. Yes, it is cancer. Just understand that PCa is often a highly treatable disease thanks to the many advancements that have been made and continue to be made every year. Feel free to explore this site as it is well-vetted and is a trusted source of reliable information. Reach out anytime and please keep us posted on your journey. Dennis( TEAM)

      1. Hello thank you very much.
        I am very glad that you are well and have everything well under control.
        I have consulted several specialists (public and private).
        Private parties are more in favor of surgery and the argument is that it is better to remove the entire prostate now in order to better preserve erectile function instead of doing it later when the tumor changes to a more aggressive state or increases in size and In that case, it is necessary to be more aggressive with the surgery and compromise the functional results (ED and incontinence). What do you think?
        P.S.: You are right, the internet increases anxiety.

        1. we wish we could help steer you in the right direction, but we are not medical professionals. I know treatment options can be very overwhelming and receiving various opinions, can be confusing. I am glad you are seeking out several specialists. I really hope they are able to answer all of your questions and provide a thorough outlook on your options. Please keep us posted on what you decide. You are not alone in this roller coaster. We are here to help with supporting you along the way. Jill, team

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