Prostate Cancer and Surviving Afterwards
On December 18, 2018, I was diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer with the Gleason at 6. At first, when I heard the word "cancer," I was a bit worried.
Weighing the options
Then my urologist mentioned a few options to remove the cancer which was very small. One was to have radiation treatments for 5 days for the next 6-8 weeks. Another option was insert a radial marker (bead) to eliminate the cancer. The third option would be to wait a while and see what happens. But the last option was what the urologist recommended -- the robotic prostatectomy. He explained about how the procedure is going to be and what the side effects were.
Decision time
I explained to family, friends, co-workers, etc. about this. It took me a few months to decide which procedure I should take along with the side effects. I wanted to narrow down whatever procedure is best for me. So by the end of February of this year, I've made a decision and told the urologist I want the prostatectomy.
Robotic prostatectomy
So he set the appointment for last month. I was a bit nervous but then afterwards felt confident. After the surgery, the prostate cancer was removed. Took me a few weeks to feel better between hospital stays and side effects. But right now, since after surgery, I'm taking one day at a time and thank God that I survived. In a week or two, I will have a follow-up to make sure that there everything is ok.
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