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Bone scan

I received the results of my bone scan today and there is no sign of metastatic prostate cancer in the bones. Big relief. I will see a surgeon next month to discuss options.

  1. That is great news . Have you already received your Gleason score? If you have, that can help with understanding the treatment options. You mention the surgeon, will you also be discussing or separately looking at other treatment options such as the various forms of radiation or cryotherapy? Please feel free to keep us posted. There very well may be men here who have been through the options you are presented and can offer information from their experiences. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. My Gleason score is 9[4+5}. The urologist is also the surgeon in this case. He is the most experienced at robotic assist prostatectomy in this state. I have not spoken to hi yet, but an associate. Two weeks from now I see him. We'll see what he has to say. I have a list of questions, many of which I gleaned from posts on this site. Thank you for responding. Any suggestions for questions is appreciated.

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