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Dealing with Lupron Depot “FUNK” Depression

I’m 62. I was diagnosed with a 4 + 3, 7 prostate tumour in May, 2023. My scans were negative, but my MRI showed left side tumour extension and left seminal vesicle extension. Prostatectomy was the plan, but had to be scrapped after my MRI. I was immediately put on Lupron Depot injections. I had a TURP in August, successful, and upon healing had 25 radiation treatments ending late October 2023. My last PSA in January was 0.03.

All that sounds good, but the Lupron has had an awful effect on me. I’m exercising regularly, still have all the side effects (short of heart attack, stroke and death). The two worst are exhaustion and depression, AKA FUNK. I never know when the FUNK is going to happen. When it does, it’s bad. I’ll start crying, I’ll feel like I’m trapped in a fence and don’t know what to do, I can’t focus, it’s just horrible. I meet once a month via phone with a psych which is helpful, but does nothing for the FUNK. Thinking of good things doesn’t help. Thoughts of death seem comforting or like coming home during the FUNK. I’m not at suicidal, but these thoughts are new and scary. I’m wondering if anyone else has this FUNK and how do you deal with it?

  1. Yes, the funk is bad. I try to surround myself with positive people, do stuff for others, watch hallmark movies with my wife, go to the movies etc. I, too, exercise but recently got a compression fracture in spine that was radiated….the side effects pop up after four years. Don’t really have an answer for the funk, except that it’s normal, and sometimes knowing that you’re normal makes life better. Good luck, hang in there.

    1. I meet with my radiology oncologist and family doctors in a few weeks. Last year when I was first diagnosed, I had the typical anxiety. I was prescribed .5mg lorazepam to help with that. I don’t take it during the day, but on average once a week I take one an hour before bedtime. What I’ve noticed is I always feel much better the day after I take it. I just mentioned this to my therapist last week and she said I should let my doctors know this. She believes some chemical maintenance might be of benefit. I’m inclined to agree, but hoping it’s a non habit forming drug. 🤞

  2. I did palliative care for a year to manage pain. It was well worth it. Got dismissed once I started feebetter and labs improved. Good luck!

    1. I thought I’d update this. In March I had had it with the Lupron. I couldn’t stand the depression any longer and went to my family doctor and told her I can’t remain on Lupron without help for the depression. She listened to me and decided to prescribe venlafaxine. She told me it may take a month before I noticed a difference. I noticed a difference right away. I have not had one serious depression spell since I started it. It has also helped greatly with hot flashes (lowering their occurrence as well as their severity). I was almost euphoric in the beginning because I was depressed daily before starting it. I have since evened out and have been coping well. I’m still tired and have the other side effects, but I’m much better than I was. I feel like living and am able to do things now that I wasn’t able to before arch. My last injection is scheduled for September and I should be going the climb back to normalcy early 2025. 🤞

    2. that is wonderful news! I am sure you felt euphoric, that must have been such a heavy weight lifted off of you. Please keep us posted on how you do with your last injection. Sending you all my best. Jill (Team Member)

  3. It's been almost 2 years since my last Lupron shot . I am still dealing with the allway's tired and depressed . The term FUNK is a great way to describe it . I have not found anything that help's . I try to get through the day , hour , minute . Somehow I get through it .

    1. Have you asked your doctor about anti-depressants? He/she may have experience in dealing with Lupron side effects. Luckily mine did and I’ve been able to function somewhat normally now that my “funk” is under control.

  4. Ask your MO if you can switch to Orgovyx. Having taken both, I must say that I find the side-effects to be more manageable with Orgovyx than I did with Lupron. Another plus is that Orgovyx is a pill and not an injection. So if you were to feel worse on it, you are not stuck with it in your system for 3-4 months as is the case with Lupron.

    Lupron made me more depressed for 3 to 6 weeks after each injection. It could not have been just the lack of testosterone because then I would have felt the same "shittyness" all the time rather than just for the weeks that followed an injection.

    Best of luck to you!

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