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Deciding on treatment

Age 63, unfavorable State 2 based on biopsy, rectal exam. PSA 6.0 in Nov, now 7.4. Leaning away from surgery towards radiation, especially since I recently had hernia repair surgery. Hoping to reduce side effects, still active with my wife. Any advice on choosing treatments and experience especially after radiation treatments is welcome

  1. cobra289
    very sorry to hear how things turned out for you. Having been told that with the hernia repair tissue scarring that surgery without collateral damage will be much less likely for me I am pursuing the latest radiation therapies with better results & hoping for the best. I will pray for you & I thank you for sharing your difficult journey

    1. I went thru a radical robotic prosectomy 2 years ago. Leading up to that decision I had 3-2nd opinions. There was no concern whatsoever about the 4 previous hernia repairs I had had many years earlier (and for one of those repairs they used surgical mesh). For me the hernia repairs were a non-point.

      1. I have been told by my urologist/surgeon that due to how recent my hernia repair was that much greater risk for side effects and infection - would delay my treatment too long. How did your RP turnout including side effects?

        1. Hi . One of the differences between side effects when it comes to radiation and surgery are that some of the radiation side effects, such as ED often occur up to years later. This article from the Prostate Cancer Foundation goes into more detail:,of%20these%20can%20be%20managed. Note that there are different types of radiation therapy and your doctor should be able to go over what might be appropriate for your case and the different potential side effects. Best, Richard ( Team)

        2. My RP went very well. The surgeon made no mention of difficulties. (however my most recent hernia repair, the one with the mesh was at least 10 years earlier).

      2. Thanks Richard. I have read the info as well as other sources and have looked into the different types of Rad therapy. Met with our preferred rad oncologist on Friday for the 2nd time & now are in process of scheduling treatment. My wife & I have had many discussions about possible outcomes sooner or later, ED treatments, and are committed to continuing intimacy even if its different in the future

        1. Hi . Some of the patient leaders here have said that one needs to do the research, make a treatment choice, and move forward. It sounds like you have done all of that. It can be easy to get bogged down in information overload and second guessing, but once you choose what is best for you trust that you have done what you can. Wishing you the best and know that this community is here for you. Best, Richard ( Team)

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