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Diagnosis and Treatment

Hey all, Recently diagnosed with Grade 2. I'm trying to pick my poison. My biopsy results are, 11 cores sampled, six were Gleason Score 6 and one was 7 (3+4), PSA 4.35. I'm 72 and in good health otherwise. The urologist recommends nerve sparing surgery. I plan on getting a couple more opinions but I wonder if each will recommend what they do best, ie, a radiation oncologist. Will he suggest radiology? All options have some significant side effects so I guess it come down to which side effects I choose. I'm thinking HIFU but the cancer is bilateral and I understand HIFU works best if the cancer is on one side. I know surgery is supposed to be the gold standard but what do you all think would be the next best thing to surgery? I've been reading extensively but it's all starting to run together. I want to go in knowing what I'm talking about. Thanks

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