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Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

I had prostatectomy surgery 16 months ago. I haven't had sex or even an erection since. I had everthing removed in the surgery and no nerve saving. I don't understand why the prescribed me cialis when I don't have any nerves for them to effect. I even asked the Doctor. My relation with my Wife is great due to there being other way I can please her. I still feel guilty about not being able to get an erection. I purchase the pump and get an erection but as soon as I remove my penis from the pump it goes limp. It's even hard for me to share this with you all but maybe someone in the community might had their nevers and all removed. Thanks,

  1. Hi,

    I understand your frustration after the prostatectomy. Even without nerve-saving, medications like Cialis can sometimes help with blood flow. It might also be worth trying Levitra (vardenafil) 10 mg. Levitra is designed for men with reduced erectile function and can help improve potency. It's non-addictive and can be taken with any food, with a lower likelihood of side effects compared to Viagra.

    Sharing your experience takes courage, and you're not alone. It might help to talk to a specialist for personalized advice. Stay positive and open with your partner.

    Best wishes.

    1. hey

      1. hi, did you have something more to add? Jill (Team Member)

    2. Thank you for your word of encouragement. I really appreciate it.

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