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Gleason 9 locally advanced cancer after treatments - PSA from 17 to 0.4

Hello friends: I was diagnosed with Gleason 9 locally advanced prostate cancer in early 2022, it was a huge surprise for me at a relatively healthy and young age of 60. I basically spiraled into a deep depression for a while, but then decided to fight the beast with everything I could, with the great and loving support of my wife and daughter. Fast forward to Dec 2022 - following the radical prostatectomy, the ADT treatment, and 33 radiation sessions - the PSA is down to 0.4, and most of the depression is gone. I am cautiously optimistic for the future, and hope for at least 5-10 years of active and productive life. What are your thoughts on Gleason 8 / 9 / 10? Can the beast be killed or at least slowed down significantly?

  1. Hi . Glad to hear you have gotten through the treatment, overcome the depression, and come out with such a positive attitude. There are absolutely guys here with higher Gleason scores who are doing well. had a Gleason 9 and, while he had a recurrence, he has had an undetectable PSA for years. You can find his bio at Another contributor, Len, has a similar story and you can see it here: Also, a few years ago my father-in-law was diagnosed with a Gleason 8 and a high level of risk. He had a combination of traditional radiation, Cyberknife, and ADT and is doing quite well. Hopefully others will chime in with their experiences. Wishing you the best. Richard ( Team)

    1. 2 years ago, my biopsy came back with a Gleason 9, and several 8's, Had the robotic prostectomy in March of 21. As for your "Beast Question" - my followup ultra PSA's have all come in oscillating in the range of .01 - .03. So yes the beast can be killed and/or slowed WAY down.

      1. Yup - Gleason 9 in 2013 led to surgery - Came back in 2018 led to 8 weeks of radiation and ADT - Its amost 2023 and I still here with an ultra sensitive PSA testing that is undetectable at 0.02 - Feel free to reach out to me here or if you want I invite you to check out my video journal on radiation after surgery at .... .. Dennis ( TEAM)

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