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How to FInd Where Your Cancer is hiding?

I've been stage IV since (200😎. PSA is .265 been clmbing for a while now. Third relapse after RP. NED other than PSA. I'm curious if there is any way to locate the tumor at my level. Doc said I could go to Mayo and spend $10K of my money-but no point since treatment would be the same with PSA results. Thinks its in my spine 99% chance. Any good things out there to locate-heard of a new improved PSA-PSMA maybe. But I do annual bone scan and xrays are always negative. Doc says 7.0 ng PSA level to see on scan. Thanks

  1. Hi . Yes, the PSMA Pet scan is the new gold standard for locating the exact location of recurrent prostate cancer. In fact, that is exactly how I referred to it in this article on the subject: It can locate metastatic prostate cancer that simply will not show up on the standard bone scan or x-ray. You may also want to check out this article from our editorial team on PSMA: There are only a handful of places in the U.S. that can currently perform the test (such as UCLA, UC San Francisco, U. Michigan), but the number is growing all the time. Your doctor should be able to locate a site for you. Best, Richard ( Team)

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