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Just want input from others

My PSA has been 4.5 to 5.5 for 4 years now. I've had 2 MRI scans and 2 biopsies. No cancer found, but a few abnormal cells. I trust my Urologist and he doesn't see any need for more tests unless my PSA spikes. It is high but has been consistent for 4 years. I generally agree with his approach, but I'm curious. Anything else I should do or something I'm missing? Just interested in others input

  1. Hi I am glad you reached out. While I hope our community members respond here with their personal experiences with this, I am sending you over an article that I hope can help you. If your doctor suspects that you may have prostate cancer, they may recommend more invasive screening or diagnostic measures such as a transrectal ultrasound, a prostate biopsy, or other imaging techniques like MRIs or CT scans. It sounds like you have already been through a couple of these screenings. Here is the article that goes into more detail about the PSA test and other screenings that can be done: I hope this is helpful. Jill, team

    1. So your PSA has been flat at 4.5-5.5 for four years? I read an article years ago that said different men have different “normal” PSA values. The tell is in the dynamics of how it moves with time.
      Is your prostate acting differently in the last year or so?
      Also, if you have PCa, with low PSA scores it becomes difficult to find. Im speaking to the diagnostic tests you’ve had. And read up on the diagnostic tests, they are often not as effective as you (or even the doc) might think at picking things up. MRIs can be as low as 50/50.

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