Talking to my oncologist / radiologist doctor s my PSA has risen slightly. Love my doctor. She's a hell of a doctor and very smart. I tlod her I really didn't want to take Lupron for my PSA. There is no indication that there is much that had gotten outside the prostate from my surgery. My PSA has risen from .14 to .26 last time I tested. There was a spot on my MRI but it appears to have been a shadow. Anyway, we're discussing treatment and we're talking about radiation. The surgeon who did the operation and removal doesn't think I need Lupron. The oncologist associated with his practise also doesn't think I need Lupron. My local oncologist, Harvard trained and highly regarded wants to have the discussion about Lupron. A small dose, 3 month I believe. What doyou guys think? Just asking your thoughts as some have had the treatment. My doctor is really great doctor but I just don't like the odds of side effects from Lupron added to radiology.