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Most effective/least side effects

My head is still spinning. Healthy 72 yr old. But who knows how long that'll last. Grade 2, T1c, GS six 6's, one 7 (3+4) contained within the prostate, last PSA in March was 4.32. Just looking for opinions. So far met with my urologist, recommends RP. Met with Rad Onc, recommends Cyberknife. Meetings next week with HIFU doc and Proton doc. I can pretty much guess up front what their recommendations will be. I get that there can be up to a 30% recurrence sometime down the road with any treatment. Looking to minimize the side effects now and kick that can down the road to try to maintain my quality of life and worry about more serious side effects if I need additional treatment as I get older. Thoughts?

  1. Hi I can understand why your head would be spinning. It is a lot to take it and process. I am glad you are seeking out various opinions although I know this must be overwhelming and confusing. We can not give medical advice over the internet (for your safety) but I hope our members come back to your with their personal experiences. In the meantime, here are a couple articles about treatment options: and I hope this is helpful for you. Please keep us posted. Jill, team

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