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Post prostatetectomy

I posted a question yesterday regarding my PSA results after surgery. PSA was .65 six weeks after surgery. Is this an expected number or is it high ?? I don't know how to find the post from yesterday.

  1. Can anybody help ??

    1. Hi the last post I saw from you was this one: Is that the one you are referring to? In regards to your PSA level, I would definitely encourage you to reach out to your doctor and talk to them about this, if you haven't done so already. They would know best about your history and what they think post surgery. Please keep us posted on what they say. Jill, team

      1. Doc recommended radiation and hormone shots to lower testosterone.i guess this is normal procedure. I am not convinced that this is best route. Any suggestions??

        1. Hormone shots definitely. Non expert but I had chemo very effective . 5 years ago PSA 885 doc say 2 years to live now less than .1

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