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PSA unexplainable drop after 5 years

Hello all
54 year old healthy male. Very active ad healthy lifestyle
Had my PSA monitored up until I was 49, about five years ago. It was slowly rising and went up to 3.2. Fluctuated between around 2.6 and 3.0 back then. I was always sure to not engage in sex, biking etc before my tests.

I got so stressed about it that I stopped getting my PSA measure until just this week. The new recommendation in Canada is to get tested at 55.
Low and behold my PSA dropped to 1.5. Had another test to be sure and it was the same. Same lab, nothing changed except this…..

I was in a marriage that was ending and hadn’t had sex in a few years back when my PSA was elevated. Then I got divorced and met a new woman a couple of years ago and been in a sexually active relationship since then.
I believe the sexual activity may have contributed to this. There is a lots of research that men my age, who have less sex and don’t masturbate often have a higher prostate cancer risk.
In fact, I remember feeling a deep burning feeling in my prostate when I started having orgasms again. It wasn’t a bad feeling but I thought, could it be my bodies way of killing the bad cells.
I know it sounds strange but I’m convinced this may have been the reason. I mean, why not, it’s not like I’m a common case. How many men follow their PSA this way and have had the same sexual experience as mine?
Perhaps I’ve stumbled onto something that has t been properly studied.
I’d love to hear any thoughts on this.

  1. For safety reasons medical advice is not offered here. Rather its more about personal experiences, information and suggested links.

    Personally speaking I was sexually active prior to my diagnosis and continued to be after surgery. I also have read a few articles regarding the potential need for regular orgasms as a way to prevent cancer. Ditto on eating a healthy diet and getting exercise. When I add it all up to me it says... love life and live it to the fullest and you most likely you may remain healthy.

    Prostate infections can cause a rise in psa reading and if an infection clears the numbers can drop - a burning sensation can indicate infection so best to chat with your MD.

    Avoiding PSA tests may be something to reconsider as early prostate cancer shows few to no signs when it is most treatable. A few years ago the U.S.Preventative Task Force suggested that men did not need routine testing and a few years later reversed that advice due in part to the increase discovery of advanced PCa in many men.

    My motto for the past few years has been "Silence is not a cure when it comes to prostate cancer" for fun google that phrase 😀 Dennis( TEAM)

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