I am writing for my father (64), he has prostate cancer for more than 10 years now. His prostate was totally removed 15 years ago. After a couple of years later the cancer came back and he underwent radiation (cyberknife). 10 years later his PSA rose above 30, he had metastases in the lymph nodes and he got a light chemotherapy with Taxotere. He also had a high Gleason Score. For years he has been on hormone injections, currently he is on Leuprolin again. My suggestion is, that he became hormone resistant. Shortly after the chemo his PSA was at 0.03, four months later his PSA is again at 4.0 On the scan you can see only a small spot of the metastases in the lymph by the lungs left. Shortly after chemo he got a chronic cough for 3 months, since the cough started he can't hold his urine. Since then he has a urgeny and he has to go to the toilet every 10 minutes, although there is nothing in the bladder and emptying the bladder is difficult. His discomfort has been getting worse and worse. Yesterday in the ambulance it was determined that he has a bladder infection. this infection was not detected by the doctors for months!
My questions are
1) can a PSA rise due to the cystitis even if he no longer has a prostate?
2.) can late radiation cystis occur after 10 years of radiation? (maybe the taxotere treatment triggert the bladder?) or is it more likely that the symptoms are coming from the long undiagnosed cystitis? And if you have radiation cystis, what helped you?
3.) What experiences have you had with hormone resistance? What has helped you?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!