Hi . Sorry to hear about the metastatic diagnosis. Surgical castration is an option for treating metastatic cancer. This article looks at the surgical vs. medical castration: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31746656/. I'm not going to lie - this is not a question we get often, probably due to the finality of the procedure. I will note that the study I provided found a similar survival rate, which makes sense in that, once the testosterone levels are controlled for, the other aspects of treatment will play a greater role in survival rates. What treatment are you on or is being recommended? If no one has shared information with you about it before, Xofigo may be of interest. Back to the castration: a lot of factors may play a role in such decision (prognosis, age, individual life factors, etc...) and one that only you, in conjunction with your medical team and those close to you, can make, but from a medical perspective it is an option. Wishing you the best and know that this community is here for you. Richard (ProstateCancer.net Team)