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The lie my surgeon told me

Reading all these posts about men being able to have sex after surgery is very depressing for those of us who the surgery butchered sexually despite being told we would get our sexual function back. This was the lie my surgeon told me.

  1. We hear you. Not every man will experience the same post-operation sexual function. However, there are options and sometimes it takes time and intention to regain that sexual function. We hope that you can find new insight here. -Samuel, Team Member

    1. I've been using Viagra and a penis pump since 2007 and its working for me. Erections aren't like before, but at least I am able to have sex and my wife isn't unhappy either. hope this helps. and it does take time and Kegels help also.

      1. We appreciate you chiming in with this. It's good to hear that you've found some things that are helpful for sexual health support. How long have you been working on pelvic floor exercises? -Samuel, Team Member

      2. Well for me it's been 4 years since surgery. I tried everything- pills, pump, injections which put me in the emergency with an ice pack on my groin and a painful drawing of the blood in the penis which caused even more severe pain because my penis painfully curved to the left. The only thing I didn't try was penile implants because the surgery was extremely expensive and it is not covered by our national health plan. My wife was right though= "why bother with another painful and expensive surgery if you can't orgasm?"

    2. The reality is different surgeons have different skill sets and each patient is different. My wife needed hand surgery a few years ago the surgeon did the work and she did not have an issue - Move forward 5 years and a new surgeon (former retired) in the same practice same type of surgery (bent finger) the finger has never been right since.

      I had no erection or orgasm issues following my 5 1/2 hours of surgery others with the same surgeon did have issues. You just do not know how your body will react Dennis( TEAM)

      1. My Robot assisted surgery was April 28th, 2020, right when COVID was exploding. My PC was advanced, Grade 5, Gleason Score 9. I opted for surgery because if you have radiation first, then you can't have the surgery later if needed. I was given about a 30% chance of being able to have erections in the future and it could take up to three years. My PSA got as high as 165 ( yes 165 ) three months after the surgery but has been brought back down with Hormone Therapy. It's now around 1.00, but I think the hormone therapy has ruined any shot of gaining any sexual function back. That dept is not functioning at all and seems to be getting worse. I see my oncologist in December and I'll ask him, but I don't think he will offer any hope. I think I've had a few very small orgasms using something like a vibrator, but it's hard to tell since I've never had to have dry orgasms before. The combination of ED and no ejaculation just doesn't even make it worth it to me anymore. 68 years old and I'm convinced those days are gone for good.

        1. Yea, I've heard of the PSMA test and plan on asking my oncologist about it when I go the first weeks in December. The lasst I knew it wasn't FDA approved here in the states, but maybe that has changed by now. The report from last bone scan I had in July said I had some improvement in some areas as well as "near complete resolved uptake" in some other areas. I wish they would just report this stuff in layman's terms, but it appears to me that I have improvements, probably related to the Apalutimide. I'll try and remember and post here after I go in December

        2. It just stinks. I was 55 when I had my RP-nerves where cut-life changed for me. But thirteen years later still here and have learned that life goes on-just different now. Good luck, DanF,moderator Prosatate

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