My Story

I knew my family history of prostate cancer. This past April 2019 my oldest brother was on his death bed from lung cancer. Ron was and still is the Shepard of the kids in the family. One of his requests was a brother of ours we have not seen in 30 years come to see him. Even though Ron was past the point of communication, my brother Randy told his story. He is several years older than I. His PSA was 4, and in 6 months it jumped to a 12. He had his prostate removed. After my brother Ron's passing I told every doctor I saw this story. My general practitioner checked me with a blood test and digital and she said things were fine.

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I heard about a test...

That was right after Ron's passing in April. Two months later I was at Victory Men's Health Clinic and told them the story. They told me of a 4K blood test. This one said I was high risk at 7.5. And I should see my Urologist. He strongly suggested a biopsy and my prostate was rough on the left side. The biopsy was positive.

So much going through my head

So many things go through your mind in days like this. I thought I was handling it all, but others could see the stress I was in that I did not recognize. I must say, I personally had a great trust that no matter what I trusted my God he would take care of me. I did not know what the outcome was going to be.

God was good to me

On surgery morning, the fear in me was hard to hide. My sister, sister-in-law and girlfriend were all with me. I tried to keep it lighthearted. And they gave me my shot. Two hours later I was waking up. The doctor said it was a textbook surgery. A week later he told me there is no need for further treatment. God was so good to me I can't even begin to Express It, you have to live it.

I will tell you the same thing my doctor told me before the surgery. The catheter is the worst part of the surgery. But I did my best to make light of it. I hope this helps anyone that reads it, and I tell everyone my story I can. I have already gotten two men to get the process of getting checked. God bless you all. Bryan

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