Featuredspike in PSA 4 yrs post surgeryHi, I am 76 yrs old. I underwent surgical removal and radiotherapy of prostate cancer several years back. The PSA levels had more or less been low, there was once...Reactions0reactionsComments30 replies
FeaturedActive todayCancer Mistaken for BPH 5 YearsJust wondering if anyone else had experienced this? I started treatment for BPH in 2019. I had a scope done in 2022 and they said I had 50% obstruction. They...Reactions0reactionsComments13 replies
FeaturedActive todayWhat Treatment Did You Have for Prostate Cancer?Hello, my PSA was 6 when I got had my biopsy done, came back 3+4=7. Just starting to look at treatment options for prostate cancer. I would like to hear...Reactions0reactionsComments212 repliesTreatment
Active todayHow did your plans for the future change after your diagnosis?How did your plans for the future change after your prostate cancer diagnosis? Share your experience below....Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesDiagnosis
Active todayRising PSAHello everyone, This is my first post. I’m 59 and have always had a PSA in the 1.3 to 1.9 range since I was about 40 My father passed from...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesDiagnosisDepressionPSA
Active todayWhat side effects have you experienced? Share with others who are trying to make a treatment decision! What treatment did you have and what side effects did you experience?...Reactions0reactionsComments53 repliesSide EffectsAwarenessTreatment
Active todayTreatment decision: Diagnosed with Gleason8 at age 51.I am 51 and have been diagnosed with a G8 PC. I have spent the past two months studying treatment options. I was at first more inclined towards radiation but...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatmentNewly Diagnosed
Active todayBladder Retention I am post 3 months prostate removal and seemed to be doing well in recovery. However, at about the three month mark I became very ill with flu/ Covid like...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesIncontinenceSide Effects
Active todaySurgery or not58 years old. Had my annual checkup and PSA was a 10.3, 6 weeks later it was a 9.7. a month later it was 13.7. I had an MRI, and...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesAdvanced Prostate CancerSurgery
Active todayLUPRON My side effects from LUPRON an XTANDI are hot flashes and tiredness- I am 83 , have been on this ADT prescription for 25 months and my PSA remains undetectable...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesSide Effects
Active yesterdayIs tumeric good to take for prostate healthIs a good quality tumeric to take help with prostate health and general inflammation?...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesDiet & Nutrition