What is the best treatment available.Hi My Dad is 57 years old, recently he started to feel numbness on the fingers when he wake up every morning and its like cannot fold the fingers in...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesAdvanced Prostate Cancer
My Dads Advanced Prostate CancerHi new here happy to have found an informed and helpful community in relation to this terrible disease. My Dad (82) has today unfortunately been asked to make a decision...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesAdvanced Prostate Cancer
FeaturedMetastatic advanced prostate cancerHello All, I read some good discussion about cancer treatments and support on this forum and got inspired to ask a question for my Dad's cancer condition. My Dad had...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesTreatmentAdvanced Prostate Cancer
How to FInd Where Your Cancer is hiding?I've been stage IV since (2008). PSA is .265 been clmbing for a while now. Third relapse after RP. NED other than PSA. I'm curious if there is any way...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAdvanced Prostate CancerResearch & Clinical Trials
FeaturedLooking for new job with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer Hi, I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer at the end of 2017. I had prostatectomy, radiation, lupron, and xtandi but it has advanced to stage 4 . It has metastasized...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesWork & EmploymentAdvanced Prostate CancerSurgeryTreatment
FeaturedWaiting for results I had radical prostatectomy approximately 8 weeks ago. At the time my PSA was 4.06 and Gleason score was 3+4. My doctor said the Cancer had broken through the outer...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesAdvanced Prostate CancerPSASurgeryTips & Advice
FeaturedWhen do you get new bone scan during hermonal therapy?I was wondering how long people with Metastasized prostate cancer to the bones waited to have a second bone scan to see how the treatment has worked I’m on my...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAdvanced Prostate CancerPSAAwareness
Stage IV Small Cell Carcinoma, Sudden Severe IllnessMy father was diagnosed with relatively aggressive prostate cancer (Gleason 8, I believe) about 5 years ago, and underwent radiation, which temporarily worked. About a year ago, the cancer came...Reactions0reactionsComments16 repliesAdvanced Prostate Cancer
Featured87 yr old leuprolide vs degarelixHello, I am writing on behalf of my 87 yr old father. I am trying to help him with his decision on how to treat his prostrate cancer that has...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesCaregivingTips & AdviceSupportive CareHormone TherapyFriends & FamilyAdvanced Prostate Cancer
FeaturedPre-Lab FreakoutsI'm thirteen years past my in initial diagnosis of PC. Can't really even guess the number of PSA readings I had in that time. Have gone from climbing PSA levels...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesPSAAdvanced Prostate CancerCoping