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Decipher Genomics testing

Has anyone had this test done and if so what kind of results can I expect? My oncologist recommended this test prior to my radiation to see if I will need to go on a hormone in addition to the radiation.

  1. Hi . I can't personally speak to the Decipher test, but I want to share with your this Forum page where it was discussed: This Forum also discusses it, but in relation to active surveillance: In addition, in this story another community member wrote about his experience: Here is one more conversation on the genomic testing (Decipher and Polaris: Hope this information is useful and that others chime in with their experiences. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. The results of my decipher test show as .65 on a scale of 1 which identifies me as slightly high risk. I am meeting with the radiologist tomorrow to determine if this means I'll need ADT in addition to the radiation.

      1. If the biopsy shows GL 4+3, both ADT should be considered and a PET scan is advised. A high Decipher dissuades against choosing active surveillance if low volume GL3+4. Some docs will consider longer duration of ADT if Decipher is high.

        1. CommunityMA high Decipher dissuades against choosing active surveillance if low volume GL3+4ember410 Not sure I'm grasping this. I have Gl 3 + 4, so is active surveillance out?

        2. I am sending you over an article with further information about active surveillance, I hope this helps you: Jill (Team Member)

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