Featuredspike in PSA 4 yrs post surgeryHi, I am 76 yrs old. I underwent surgical removal and radiotherapy of prostate cancer several years back. The PSA levels had more or less been low, there was once...Reactions0reactionsComments30 replies
FeaturedCancer Mistaken for BPH 5 YearsJust wondering if anyone else had experienced this? I started treatment for BPH in 2019. I had a scope done in 2022 and they said I had 50% obstruction. They...Reactions0reactionsComments13 replies
Active todayNot Diagnosed Yet, But Trying to PrepareHey, just came across this to do some reading and research and figured I'd drop a post. I haven't been diagnosed yet, I'm awaiting a biopsy, just.... trying to prepare...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesDepressionCoping
Active todayRising PSAHello everyone, This is my first post. I’m 59 and have always had a PSA in the 1.3 to 1.9 range since I was about 40 My father passed from...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesDiagnosisDepressionPSA
Active todayDo you worry about prostate cancer coming back (recurrence)?Even after treatment, prostate cancer can come back. Do you worry about recurrence, or have you experienced it? Tell us below....Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesDiagnosis
Active todayWhat are your approaches to sex and intimacy after treatment?A place to talk about personal experiences with sex and intimacy. Remember - you're welcome to discuss products, but no sales or soliciting!...Reactions0reactionsComments117 repliesIntimacy & Relationships
Active todayHelp and suggestionGood evening everyone, I need your help to clarify my doubts regarding my uncle’s persistent pain and conflicting medical opinions. Six months ago, my uncle experienced severe pain on the...Reactions0reactionsComments1 replies
FeaturedActive todayWhat Was Your PSA Level When Diagnosed?Just curious what PSA level you were at when diagnosed. Mine was 85 with Gleason score of 7. Stage T3c. Doc said I had it for some time. I was...Reactions0reactionsComments302 repliesAdvanced Prostate CancerDiagnosisPSAAwareness
Active 2 days agoMRI before biopsy?Hi - I have a PSA of 4.26, free PSA of 13%, an abnormal suspicious DRE, and my father died at 59 of prostate cancer. My primary care (VA) has...Reactions0reactionsComments2 replies
FeaturedActive 2 days agoAll things ED (erectile dysfunction)So many men going through the prostate cancer journey suffer from erectile dysfunction. This dysfunction can come from different causes and can also be treated in different ways. This is...Reactions0reactionsComments139 repliesSide EffectsIntimacy & RelationshipsTips & Advice
Active 2 days agoHow did you feel making a treatment decision? There are many options for treating prostate cancer. There are just as many, if not more, emotions associated with our treatment decisions. Tell us: What treatment did you decide on?...Reactions0reactionsComments26 repliesAwarenessTreatmentTips & Advice
FeaturedActive 2 days agoSex after prostate cancerI am a pelvic floor physical therapist who treats men following a diagnosis of prostate cancer. I often ask this question of my patients and would welcome the responses of...Reactions0reactionsComments235 replies